
Tech Lead


Zynca is a tech company providing intelligent tooling for recruiters and employers, and helping long-term unemployed job-seekers to find employment. Zynca offers a CRM-product focused on helping people enter the working life as well as an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) so that the companies that are looking for workers can find them easily. Zynca are working a lot together with Arbetsförmedlingen to match jobs with the right candidates.

Zynca is a highly-driven product organization consisting of senior talent with a culture rooted in collaboration and helping each other move the work forward. Impact-wise the products that they are developing have a real, tangible societal value while also helping companies effectivize their processes and workflows. (It’s a win-win-win for job-seekers, recruiters and employers.)



Zynca is now looking for a Tech Lead to take on full ownership of every facet of the organization from a technical perspective. This includes understanding their entire tech stack (React, Node, GraphQL and AWS), having an intimate understanding of the entire platform and all of their products, participating in product discussions and being able to represent the technical perspective whether it’s front-end, back-end, database, infrastructure or architecture. This person will be the technical voice in every discussion, and will make sure that our environments remain healthy, that Zyncas technical employees have what they need and that everything is moving forward in a frictionless manner. The day to day will be spent working with their environments, interfacing with their technical colleagues and coding when necessary.

In this role we need you to be active and vocal during meetings and represent the technical perspective. Also be proactive and be able to see both the in-depth perspective as well as the wider perspective. We expect that this person will warn when the plan is taking a suboptimal trajectory from a technical perspective, as well as supporting in planning the work ahead by being able to explain on a high level what the technical considerations are – as well as what the options might be from a technical perspective.

If you are looking to work at a company where social sustainability is the thing, then this might be the right job for you. 

Zynca HQ is situated in Stockholm City, however this role can be fully remote. 


All the best,

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